We offer a 30 Days Return or Replacement Policy

At Eze, our return policies are centered around our buyers. To reduce returns, we not only vet all our sellers stringently but also check every device to match your order specifications and our grading standards. But if you want to return or want a replacement, it is simple.

laptop devices

Our Return Process

Go to the Return Policy page to start your return or replacement process by clicking on "File a Return".


File a Return

You will be redirected to the Returns tab on your dashboard; click on "File Returns" against the order number


Submit Return Details

Fill out the Return form and select relevant details such as: Reasons for Return, Reason Details, Return Option, Upload images and any important comments and submit.


Eze Receives the Return request

Upon submission, the Eze team will review the return request. We’ll then email you the shipping label so you can ship the device(s) to us.


Receive Credit/Devices

After the Return is received and processed, a credit note will be issued, or a replacement for the returned device(s) will be shipped.

Get to know us better.

Registration on Eze Enterprise is free. Sign up using your business email and provide accurate business details and contact information to initiate the onboarding and approval process.
Yes we ship to almost every country worldwide through our global and local logistics partners.
Eze accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express Cards, ACH bank transfers, USDT, and Wire Payments.
We sell certified new and used devices, ranked by various criteria. For details, check our Grading Process page.